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CODE-DE is part of Germany's geoinformation strategy and offers easy and efficient access to remote sensing data as well as free cloud resources for processing.
The comprehensive support offered by CODE-DE includes online information like FAQs and Knowledgebase Articles as well as a German and English speaking helpdesk. In addition, the CODE-DE team regularly conducts online seminars tailored to the different needs of users and actively participates in various conferences and events.
Access to all Copernicus data, digital elevation models, training and reference data, data from the CODE-DE community and much more.
The CODE-DE data portfolio provides an overview of the typical area of application for each product, details of availability on CODE-DE and information on access and use.
The EO Browser enables an easy data search and visualization, furthermore initial analyses such as vegetation indices can be created with predefined processors.
The Data Explorer enables direct access to CODE-DE data via a GUI or API. In just a few steps, data can be searched, previewed, and downloaded or processed "on-the-fly" with a range of predefined EO processors.
Based on state-of-the-art technology, CODE-DE offers a cloud infrastructure specifically for processing remote sensing data. Extensive computing resources and a variety of tools are available for experts as well as for beginners and occasional users.
The CODE-DE Services portfolio provides an overview of the cloud infrastructure, the DataCubes and the EO processors & tools.
Many of the available services require only a CODE-DE login to use them. One example of this is the CODE-DE JupyterLab, the environment for creating, managing and executing Jupyter notebooks.
Another example is the CODE-DE DataCube. It offers simple and efficient access to the multidimensional data space of satellite data on CODE-DE. It can be used to create individually configured OGC web services from Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2, Sentinel-3 and Sentinel-5P data in the CODE-DE Cloud.
On the CODE-DE Cloud, you can apply for your own resources. Virtual machines with or without GPU, S3 buckets, object storage and much more can be used in this area, to which only you have access. A range of tools will support you during setup and operation.
The cloud resources are allocated in form of quotas. Brief instructions on how to apply can be found in the " Getting started" section on the help page. There you can also find further information on registering with CODE-DE and using the portal.
Part of the CODE-DE support offer is a German and English-speaking helpdesk, which is available via contact form, email and telephone (weekdays from 9:00 - 17:00).
The CODE-DE support offering also includes information available online such as Getting Started, FAQ, Knowledge Base, recordings of training courses already held and, in collaboration with EO-Lab, a growing library of e-learning modules.
The CODE-DE Newsletter provides you with news about the platform, such as new data and services, training courses and interesting information about its use. The newsletter is usually published once a quarter.
CODE-DE offers many opportunities for collaboration. For example, it is possible to share computing and storage resources within a project group - even across authorities and institutes.
Algorithms and processing chains can be transferred between projects on CODE-DE. Thanks to the harmonized system and data architecture of CODE-DE and EO-Lab, this is also possible between the clouds.
The exchange between users is supported in a variety of ways, for example through experience reports in the form of online seminars and the presentation of work and projects on the portal in the section "Showcases".
Another opportunity for collaboration is the moderated CODE-DE forum. Together with EO-Lab, users can discuss their experiences, ask questions and exchange solutions.
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